Kristina Rungano nació en Harare, Zimbabwe en 1963. En su ciudad natal asistió a escuelas católicas. En Inglaterra obtuvo la licenciatura en Ciencias Computacionales. Vive y trabaja como profesora en Inglaterra. Ha sido la primera poeta mujer publicada en Zimbabwe. Ha publicado Storm of Brewing (1985) y To Seek a Reprieve and Other Poems (2004). En sus textos, emplea una variedad de personajes para trazas los aspectos de la experiencia como mujer y también trata los impactos de la guerra.
Durante nueve meses lo tuve en mi vientre.
Nueve meses de desilusión y dolor.
Aliviada solo ocasionalmente por las suaves patadas dentro de mí;
El suave movimiento de la vida que creé dentro de mí.
Nueve meses esperé este día;
Nueve meses y el grotesco bulto creciendo en mí.
Y Kit haciendo numerosos sacrificios -de paciencia y amor-
Nueve meses tristes esperando este día.
Y ahora comenzaba a sentir dolores agudos en mí
-y mamá diciendo son las contracciones-
Los dolores que serán la primavera de una nueva vida...
Será un niño, pensé con intenso asombro,
- Qué orgulloso estaría su padre,
- O será una niña -
Alguien a quien podría enseñar a ser como yo
Y mimar con lindos vestidos
¿Y flores dulcemente perfumadas para adornar su cabeza?
Miré a los ojos de Kit
- Los ojos que me habían visto dentro
- Los ojos que conocieron mi tristeza y alegría durante nueve meses.
Y vi en ellos todo amor y cuidado.
- El dolor que sintió por mí.
Y como el sol en una fría mañana
Me liberó de todo miedo, de toda desolación.
Miré con cálida contemplación
Hasta el momento en que su cálido abrazo diría
‘Nuestro bebé: la esencia misma de nuestro amor
Y unas manitas diminutas se aferrarían a mis senos con hambre
La boca diminuta sacando leche tibia de mi
Una carita inocente mirándome a la cara.
Con confianza
Aprendiéndome, tal como Kit lo hizo.
Lo sentí, Kit
Capturado por una previsión de los estivales días por venir
Los días en que -no solo dos-
Caminaré en el anochecer
Acariciada por la cálida brisa
Y nuestro hijo aprenderá a cantar como los pájaros para dormir
y bailar kan-kan con las luciérnagas.
Y así fui llevada a la sala de partos
mientras Kit esperaba
- Esperando de nuevo
- Esperando con anticipada calidez
- Esperando por el despertar de mi recién comienzo
For nine months I had borne him in my womb.
Nine months of disillusionment and pain
Relieved only occasionally by the gentle kicking within me;
Nine months of disillusionment and pain
Relieved only occasionally by the gentle kicking within me;
The gentle movement of the life I created within me
Nine months I waited for this day;
Nine months and the grotesque lump growing on me.
And Kit making numerous sacrifices – of patience and love –
Nine months I waited for this day;
Nine months and the grotesque lump growing on me.
And Kit making numerous sacrifices – of patience and love –
Nine dreary months of waiting for this day.
And now I was beginning to feel sharp pains in me –
And mama saying they are labour pains –
The pains which will be the spring of new life...
The pains which will be the spring of new life...
Would it be a boy, I thought with intensified wonder,
– How proud his father would be,
– Or would it be a girl –
Someone I could teach to be just like me
– Or would it be a girl –
Someone I could teach to be just like me
And spoil with pretty frocks
And sweetly scented flowers to adorn her head?
And sweetly scented flowers to adorn her head?
I looked up into Kit’s eyes
– The eyes that had seen me through
– The eyes that had known my sadness and joy for nine months
– The eyes that had seen me through
– The eyes that had known my sadness and joy for nine months
And I saw in them all love and care
– The pain which he felt for me
And like the sun on a cold morning
Relieved me of all fright, all desolation.
– The pain which he felt for me
And like the sun on a cold morning
Relieved me of all fright, all desolation.
I looked with warm contemplation
To the moment when his warm embrace would say
‘Our own baby – the very essence of our love
And tiny little hands would cling to my breasts in hunger
To the moment when his warm embrace would say
‘Our own baby – the very essence of our love
And tiny little hands would cling to my breasts in hunger
Tiny mouth drawing warm milk from me
An innocent little face looking into my face.
With trust
Learning me, just as Kit did.
An innocent little face looking into my face.
With trust
Learning me, just as Kit did.
I felt him, Kit
Captured by a foresight of summer days to come
Captured by a foresight of summer days to come
The days when we – no longer just two –
Would walk in the dusk
Caressed by the warm breeze
And our child would learn to sing the birds to sleep
Would walk in the dusk
Caressed by the warm breeze
And our child would learn to sing the birds to sleep
And dance the kan-kan with the fireflies.
And thus I was borne to the labour ward
Whilst Kit waited
– Waited again
– Waited in warm anticipation
– Waited again
– Waited in warm anticipation
– Waited for the awakening of my new beginning.